EAN : 9784789015400
Authentic Japanese (Workbook) - Progressing from Intermediate to Advanced (New Edition)
ISBN : 9784789015400
Date de parution : 2013
Editeur : The Japan Times
Nombre de pages : 135
Langue : japonais, anglais
Pays d'origine : Japon
Description fournie par l'éditeur :
In order for a student of Japanese to progress from an intermediate to an advanced level, he must be able to convey subtle ideas. This workbook to the long-selling textbook gives you the ability to acquire approximately 110 useful expressions. Each expression has a page of practice questions, and the end of each unit contains a summary test that can be used by the whole class.
Ce cahier d'exercices est complémentaire à Authentic Japanese - Progressing from Intermediate to Advanced (New Edition) - Livre.
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