EAN : 9784874245132
ISBN : 978-4-87424-513-2 // ISBN : 9784874245132
Date de parution : 2011
Editeur : Kurosio
Nombre de pages : 312 (Livre principal) + 20 (Transcriptions des audios)
Langue : anglais, japonais
Pays d'origine : Japon
Living Japanese Book 2 est un livre avec une méthodologie pratique, des explications grammaticales simples et des mises en situation réalistes. Le livre comporte de nombreux exercices et des illustrations.
Note de l'éditeur en anglais :
Living Japanese is an entry-level Japanese textbook comprising 30 lessons in three volumes. It aims to teach the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to students at university and other tertiary institutions, but it will be found useful by anyone interested in learning the language.
Pictorial illustrations bring each language pattern to life and the easy to follow grammar explanations and ample practice tasks focus on developing natural, practical language skills.
Other features include lively conversation texts, numerous role-playing and other activities, listening practice, Japanese cultural notes, kanji reading and writing, and comprehensive grammar exercises.
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