EAN : 9784756259479
ISBN : 978-4-7562-5947-9 // ISBN : 9784756259479
Date de parution : 2025
Editeur : PIE International
Nombre de pages : 144
Langue : japonais
Pays d'origine : Japon
Version japonaise originale du premier livre d'images de l'illustratrice japonaise Yukina, publié par PIE International.
Le contenu principal du livre est constitué d'illustrations pleine page, mais certaines pages contiennent des textes qui sont uniquement en japonais sans furigana.
Description du produit fournie par l'éditeur en anglais :
The first illustration collection from Yukina, the illustrator who draws stylish characters.
Yukina is a young illustrator who is all the rage on social media.
This book is a carefully selected collection of artwork and sketches on the theme of fashion, from the artist's beginnings as an illustrator to her most recent works.
Modern fashion, adorable character design: don't miss the depictions of flexible bodies drawn in meticulous detail.
With chapters on the theme of OOTD illustrations, a collection of ‘one mile wear’, uniforms, dresses and suits, and more, you can enjoy a wide variety of Yukina's fashion illustrations. A chapter on sketches in the second half of the book also offers a good insight into Yukina's drawing technique.
This book features numerous newly drawn artworks created just for this book, along with original illustrations that appear on social media.
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